Saturday, May 2, 2009

Breaking the bad habits

Habits can be good or bad. They can be beneficial or harmful. “A man’s fortune has its form given to it by his habits.” We would be a success in life if we are able to cultivate the good habits of learning and work, good health, public behavior, discipline and method in our work, eating ways and what not. Life would be happy. If we are victims of bad habits, it can be a heavy burden and a hurdle to succeed in life. The problem with bad habits is that it is very difficult to break them once formed. There are some bad habits like finger nail biting, picking noses, blinking of the eyes, smoking, insomnia, stammering that may need to be tackled at the sub conscious level with the help of a professional psychologist.
Most habits can be broken by the individual with some effort. Most of the small habits can be stopped with determination. It is the mental will power. The feeling of comfort or enjoyment in pursuing the habit should be replaced by a revulsion and disgust. There is no open sesame or a quick fix except hard work. If only one looks at the reason why we indulge in it and the benefit you get by escaping from some problem, it may be easier to shed it. The tension in the office may make you irritable by habit to family members like wife and children. By letting of your anger, you feel a bit relaxed and calm. It could be to watch TV undisturbed that this irritability helps in keeping away the family members. One has to make a choice between irritability to family and the hurt it causes vis a vis the pleasure of watching TV. Which one you value more would enable you to discard the bad habit. . To effect a change in habits, one needs to bring the action back into the realm of consciousness and regain the ability to make right choices.
The old habits were formed to fulfill a need like releasing the tension of the office or desire to watch TV undisturbed. If we wish to break them, you need some alternative needs in place. “A nail is driven out by another nail, habit is overcome by habit.” That is why we see people who have quit smoking taking to snuff or chewing tobacco. If we choose a better alternative like going for a walk with spouse or playing with children board games or reading a book, the pain of breaking the old habit would not be felt. The thought that bad habits are annoying to others and often retard your progress, popularity and acceptability would steel your determination to get rid of them.. Let the bad habits be replaced by good habits It is good to take one habit at a time and immediately instead of many. It was Mark Twain who said “A habit cannot be tossed out of the window. It must be coaxed down the stairs, a step at a time.” It is a challenge that calls for determination and effort.


  1. A useful post. As you have correctly said, we should not become slaves to bad habits.

    Thanks, KP.

  2. A useful post. As you have correctly said, we should not become slaves to bad habits.

    Thanks, KP.

  3. A useful post. As you have correctly said, we should not become slaves to bad habits.

    Thanks, KP.

  4. A useful post. As you have correctly said, we should not become slaves to bad habits.

    Thanks, KP.

  5. A useful post. As you have correctly said, we should not become slaves to bad habits.

    Thanks, KP.

  6. The old habits die hard they say …
    Obviously it wouldn’t be a bad idea to cultivate pleasant ones while we can …
    They are anyway going to mark our lives ..

    Of course, as you have pointed out with some effort changes can be made and we maybe able to reverse the pattern ….
    Nicely wrought one
    and look at the emphasis given to it by Ayesha :-)

  7. I simply loved the pic with this post:)its very cute! and ofcourse indeed its attached to a gr8 post!

  8. They say "thotil pallakam sudukadu mattumn" Though I think this adage is just a warning to not fall into bad habits... because with determination and help of God we can surely overcome our bad habits... Very good thoughts shared sir...and yes the picture is very cute :)

  9. A useful and helpful post.. thanks for sharing..

  10. Nice insight, breaking bad habits are easier said than done, but like you said a conscious effort would ultimately get one there... hmm you got me thinking now!

  11. Good/Bad is subjective. As human begins "we" are prone to addictive behaviours so one must be both deligent and mindful about those habits we cultivate.

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