There is a weakness in all of us to be accepted and liked by others. These result in our saying always YES to please others. We seldom say No even if saying yes would inconvenience or hurt us. We do not like to displease others and are willing to suffer than being frank about our true feelings. While the need to be accepted and loved by others is a common trait, it would be a folly to strive to gain acceptance for all things we do or say. We must have a high esteem of ourselves and have confidence in our worth. While learning from the opinions of others is welcome, it should not become an obsession that the opinions of others are always right. When our dependence on outside approval becomes less, we would be in a stronger position to say NO.
I have seen how many people are made to work harder and longer in work places because they have not learnt to say NO without being impolite. Their submissive nature and tendency to please others should have affected their friendships and family relationships. We must remember that others respect us to the extent we respect ourselves. When you’re true to yourself, doing the things that you like, and developing your interests, you will be a better person. You will be better to be around and do a better job in all things you do